Beauty Body & Health

Beauty Body & Health

 Some great ideas for Beauty and Health in Kent ranging from Hypnotherapy to Massage 

Mens Health is something that seems to be overlooked these days in many ways. Even with Coranavirus twice as many men die over the age of fifty than the fairer sex,  This may well be that Women are stronger than men in many ways. For example the give bith to children and often live longer than men. One of the reasons also is that perhaps me can be lazy and do not get enough exercise.

Health Problems that Men can encounter :-


Blood Pressure

High Chloestrol

Erectile Dysfunction

This is often known as ED for short. This problem can arise in men for many reasons including stress and things like that.

A way to solve this is of course the little blue pill known as Viagra (TM) but there is an alternative which is Sildamax 

This product contains the same active ingredient as Viagra so the effect is very similar,