Share Trading Courses


Share Trading Courses


Share Trading Course

Share Trading Course

To find out  how to make money trading the stock and share markets you need to go on one of the Share Trading Courses   being run by Easy Share Trading .

You will learn on the :

Share Trading Courses

How to invest in the UK and indeed overseas Stock and Share markets.

The ways that you can construct a share portfolio that will  produce steady income and growth. There are portfolio strategies that one can use such as :-

Long Term Buy and Hold – Here you select those kind of shares that will survive the test of time. Even if say the stock market was closed for a couple of years. Now that is quite a strong test.  Excluding shares that may be unreliable over time but including those where a known demand is acknowledged by the market. For example a high end pharmaceutical company might be one to choose. But there are quite a few out there if you research properly.

High Yield Dividend Portfolio – This is a version of LTBH but is specifically looking for shares producing above average high yield. One has to research why the yield is high. If it is far too high is the dividend going to be cut or even worse the share collapse. But often it can simply be that the Share has been out of fashion.

Both of the above portfolios need to be reviewed and changes made when appropriate.

In addition these Share Trading Classes will also cover short term trading in stocks and shares.

How to use Spread Betting and CFDs (Contracts for Difference) which will allow you to benefit from using leverage and being able to trade a far higher value of equity for a modest investment.

For example a deposit of £1,000 could allow you to trade shares of say £10,000. This depends on the actual equity and market conditions but this would be generally true for members of the FTSE 100 which have an active market and a high volume of sales and purchases thus generating a real market and a true price.

Those shares with less marketability and operating in narrower markets a far higher deposit may be required.

The course will cover the opening of the required accounts and what market makers are available in the market place.

To find out more information please visit the resource available at Share Trading Courses where you can get a lot more information.




